Workhouse girl

Workhouse girl
"Her brother lost a finger and her sister was sent to work"
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The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution's time period stretches from the 18th century to the 19th century.

There were major changes in agriculture, manufacturing and mining and transport had a major effect on the very poor conditions....but the effects started in the UK, and then spread throughout Europe and North America.


Quoted from the back of the book:

A book based on The IR, is all about families who work in one of the workhouses; A mill. And this one particular family.....who have these two twin girls who absolute LOATH each other.

Pauline (Twin # one) labors from dawn to dusk alongside the other members of her family at the local cotton mill, wishing she could stay home like her sister.

Meanwhile, Arlene (twin # 2) takes care of all the housework and cooking, dreaming of working at the mill one day and earning both money and respect.

Each is sure the other has the easy life, but discovers wrong she is over the course of one remarkable week.

The story is Called: January 1905 and its author is

Katharine Boling.

Things I noticed in the book include to be a bucket service which is very much like the food delivering services we have today. (Except they come by cars and in containers....not by buckets.)

Arlene is the only one in the family who stays home, so she brings out the meals to her family at the mill.

(She also does the chores around the house your parents would usually do) She also helps her neighbors when they are in Miss Bertha...she needed help when delivering Mrs. Harrell's baby boy.

A song made for the children of the mill....
We are the boys, who work from dawn till dusk.
In the mill all day long....
Our shirts are always dirty as well as our shoes and socks.
Our bosses are mean and nasty, making us do the worst, our dinner's always cold and the ground as thick as ice.
The floorboards creak beneath us as we sweep the floor, the dust and dirt swirls around my feet.

the workhouse

the workhouse
this would have been an example of the type of workhouse Pauline worked in....

Workhouse women

Workhouse women
Old clothes, worn to a thread, ah this is the life of the poor back then....

An ideal textile machine

An ideal textile machine
"He was sent into the machine to loosen the thread but he could not get out as the machine started up on him."

Timmy got hurt

Timmy got hurt
"He didn't notice till the machine sliced through his finger entirely"

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child labor from then on

Oliver Twist

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Agriculture Age

How were things done before the fast food service was created?

Farming was a big one, harvesting, using human labor to harvest your food, and alot of farmers liked to make a profit off of their food by selling it in the marketplace to eager buyers.

The early fast-food service

Industrial Age

What was it's function?
To bring food to others, when it was needed or when people were hungry.

Who invented it?
We can't be sure who invented the first 'fast food' service, but it could have been started in the early farmer's markets or by children staying at home, while their parents and siblings worked in factories and mills.

Why was it a good idea?
Well now-a days, its good good for when people don't want to cook, or they are too tired too and need something quick and fast to eat. Back then, it was good because working long hours in a mill or factory, given no food, and no lunch break, you would get mighty hungry.

What were the working conditons for the average worker using this invention?
During the industrial age, the food service would be long, you would have to cook it, then place in buckets and carry it many miles, trying to keep the food warm to deliver it to your family and sometimes neighbours. You would have to arrive at a certain time, to early and you could risk having a dinner go cold, and too late, and you could risk with a very unhappy family. And then you would have to go back home to finish the rest of the chores.

Digital Age

How was it simular and different from the industrial age?
It's simular because fast food is made by hand, and then delivered to the ones who ordered the food. But it is also different because instead of walking from place to place delivering food, we now use cars and other ways of transportation.

How has the invention changed society positively?
Positively, it has made fast food service easier, creating more pay and giving food to anonymous people who are hungry for a good and greasy feast.

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Check out these songs from Vanessa Graves on Indaba Music

Check out these songs from Vanessa Graves on Indaba Music

Check out these songs from Vanessa Graves on Indaba Music

Last Entry 5

I am healing and ready to go back to work. When I go with my family this morning, I shall bring Pauline some flowers. I hope she will be pleased. I heard from Katie that Pauline and her sister are now getting along nicely, which that makes me happy. When I go to Breakfast, nobody acknollodges me when I go to the table, nor work. Pauline and Edwin smile nicely and I smile back. The before Pauline turns back to her work, I produce a bouque of flowers from behind my back. She is surprised so I add, "I'm sorry," and I nod to her foot. She then smiles and Mr. Goldbod yells at us to get back to our work. We both turn and get onto work.

On the inside I am Happy.

Journal Entry 4

I sit at home still, and news has gotten around that Mrs. Harrell has given birth to healthy baby boy, named Aaron. I am happy, but i know of some who aren't. Like Mr. Harrell; who doesn't care much for his children or his wife. And that makes me a little iff edge and sad. I am glad my father isn't like that. Miss Bertha comes to see me, and she became very alarmed when she saw my finger. Then she put some disgusting smelling salve on my hand and over top of my finger. It stung and I squeezed my eyes shut against the pain. She then wrapped up my finger again and told me to not use that hand for a week. Naturally I obeyed, and sat in my bed all day, with nothing to do.

When the family cam home that evening, I listened as Katie started to tell me the Pauline's sister, Arlene; would be taking my place as the sweeper. I felt bad for Arlene and felt even worse when Katie told me that I had injured Pauline's ankle severly, making it impossible for her to work or move on that foot. Later when the flowers are out, I will send her a bunch with a note, telling her that I am sorry. For now, i will pray to God that she will be okay.

Journal Entry 3

I am at home, resting. The rest of the family is up and about, getting breakfast and hurrying out the doors. My mother is yelling at Katie to finish her breakfast and wash up. I hear Katie grumble something and a hard slap of flesh on flesh. The silence in the kitchen as the whole family leaves.

I stay in bed, listening to the birds who had awakend early, and rolled over to the window to let in a faint stream of light peaking through the window behind the closed cloth. I lifted my injured hand to the window and examined it.

The bandage was crusted over with blood, so I unrapped it. I gagged at the sight of my own hand, for it was black, and swollen.....and where my finger had been lopped off, there was bone sticking out slightly. I turned away from my finger, only to turn back and try and wrap up my hand again. Oooo the pain! I flinched and made a mental note to myself to send for Miss Bertha.

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